Sunday 24 February 2013

Dari buku Dead Men's Secret nya Jonathan Gray

ETHIOPIA58 (W): Familiar to us all is the Bible story of the visit to
King Solomonby a queen from the south.Now comes the discovery of the
Ethiopian epic Kebra Nagast (c. 850B.C.), which tells the story from the
other side. It records that KingSolomon of Israel lavished on a
visiting Ethiopian queen enormous richesand gifts…and a vessel wherein
one could traverse the air.” Carrying acargo of animals as well as men,
via Egypt, it “travelled in one day adistance which (usually) took three
months to traverse.”

INDIA59 (O): In Srinagar, India, is a mountain called Tahkti
Suleiman(“Solomon’s Mountain”).Very strange that a mountain in India’s
highlands should be named aftera Hebrew king—except that Mohammedan
tradition declares King Solomonflew there in a flying machine and
arranged for the construction of the temple on the summit.

Perhatikan statement :" It records that KingSolomon of Israel
lavished on a visiting Ethiopian queen enormous riches and gifts…and a
vessel wherein one could traverse the air.” Carrying a cargo of animals
as well as men, via Egypt, it “travelled in one day a distance which
(usually) took three months to traverse.”Nabi Sulaiman AS mempunyai
kapal yang bisa berjalan di udara, bisa mengangkut binatang2 dan juga
manusia2 ... menempuh perjalanan yang biasanya ditempuh dalam 3 bulan
menjadi hanya 1 hari ... ini pasti bukan permadani terbang :) ....
cerita ini diambil dari legenda Ethiopia ...

Logikanya begini menurut pendapat pribadi saya kemampuan menaklukkan
jin itu dipunyai Nabi Sulaiman AS karena beliau mempunyai ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi .... termasuk juga teknologi telepathy yang
memungkinkan beliau berkomunikasi dengan binatang ....